Forex Trading

Stock Market Outlook: the S&P 500 Is on the Verge of a Technical Breakdown

Most traders would place an order at an exchange rate of 1.00 rather than 1.578 or purchase a stock at $40 rather than $41.56. Because so many orders are placed on the same levels, round numbers tend to act as barriers because a strong level of resistance or support is created. The above chart depicts price movements of support and resistance in the forex of a currency pair USD/CHF, where common Fibonacci retracement levels are applied. For example, once one Fibonacci level is broken, it Continue lendo

How to Trade Forex Forex Trading Examples

Still, they increase the spread between the Bid and the Ask price, which causes a little problem with these profitable conditions on a daily basis. Risk management is the process of identifying, evaluating and reducing potential risks in the forex market. This category of people is better to minimize their losses and earn justifiable profits. Daily is different for each person, and it cannot be accurately calculated because there are people who earn a good profit in this way, and others always suffer losses. So, Continue lendo

Silver Trading: 6 Ways Traders Are Gaining Exposure to This Commodity in 2024

But it illustrates the substantial price swings one can expect to see with precious metals. Therefore, options traders must be right about the size and timing of the move in silver futures to profit from their trades. In its simplest form, it is just two individuals agreeing on a future price of silver and promising to settle the trade on a set expiry date. You can trade silver futures with us using CFDs on the underlying market. You’d have the same monthly and quarterly expiry Continue lendo